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Development Materials

We want to make it as easy as possible to grow the number of young people in your group/section.

Please find below the following ready-made materials to use:

Beaver recruitment materials

All Beaver aged young people in Nottinghamshire will be receiving hard and electronic copies of this recruitment material through their school. The exception is where schools are in areas where we know colonies are already full.

Requests to join will be managed through the County Office who will try to allocate new members to sections in groups of 6.

We will be using a staggered approach from the beginning of May 2021 to distribute to ensure that the process can be managed.

Cub recruitment materials

You can use this dragon leaflet to help recruit new Young People into your Cub Pack.

Adult recruitment materials

Everyone has a role to play in adult recruitment. At a County level we can run campaigns and produce communications materials, but the best way of encourage someone to volunteer is to have a local conversation.

Our adult recruitment materials are aimed at opening the door to your local conversations whilst also giving the prospective adult something to take away and think about.

A pack of hard copy materials will be sent to groups and more will be available from the County Office. You can also download and print the materials.

Recruitment steps

Remember when you are doing adult recruitment to follow these easy steps:

  1. Identify the tasks that need doing
  2. Think about the skills that will be needed to do the task
  3. Make a list of all the people you and others in the group know with those skills
  4. Prioritise your list – remember don’t make any assumptions
  5. Be brave and ask the person on the top of the list – give them a postcard as a reminder
  6. Follow up with the individual – be honest about what is involved but also the support available
  7. Work down your list until you have filled the role
  8. Make sure their induction is smooth and welcoming



Materials download

Group welcome pack materials

When new members join Scouting in Nottinghamshire it’s essential that their parents know what to expect. Add you own group’s details into this welcome pack template and be sure to share with new starters and existing members.