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Microsoft 365

Account Concepts

In most cases, you will have been set up with a minimum of two accounts:

  • Personal account, in the format of <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk
  • A role-based account that matches your position, e.g. <role>@notts-scouts.org.uk (Note: you may have more than one of these mailboxes)


You should only use your personal (<firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk) account for logging in to any Microsoft365 service!

Whilst logging in with the role-based account may still work, functionality will be severely limited.
It is understood that this ‘two account’ set up does make things slightly more complicated.
However, there are several reasons why this approach has been adopted:

  • Regardless of the number of roles you hold, you only ever need to know one account (your personal account) to log on
  • If multiple people require access to a mailbox, this can be managed without having to share credentials
  • It helps to keep licensing to a minimum: Only personal accounts are licensed, and we have fewer personal accounts than roles
  • If someone else comes in to assist with a role (for example, due to long term absence or illness) someone else can be given access to the mailbox without having to worry about resetting passwords, etc.
  • When someone else comes into the role, the new and old person can have access to the same mailbox for a period of time, aiding the transition
  • If you have access to the admin area of the website, this also uses your personal account

Recommended Basic Setup

It is recommended, as a minimum, you ensure you can log onto your personal and role-based mailboxes via www.notts-scouts.org.uk/portal

Initial Logon

Please ensure you follow the steps below the first time you login

  1. Go to www.notts-scouts.org.uk/portal and log in with your personal <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk email address and assigned password.
    When you first logon, you will be prompted to:

    • Change your password
  2. Confirm your login details:
    • Log in to https://outlook.office.com with your <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk credentials
      If you are prompted for a timezone, the recommended setting is (UTC +00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
    • Click on the gear icon on the top right hand corner of the screen, which will bring up the Settings menu
    • Click on Mail under Your app settings
    • In the meu, just above Mail, there should be a General option. Click the triangle to the left of General, to expand the menu
    • Click on My Account and ensure that the details are populated and correct.
      As a minimum, the following fields should be populated:

      • First name
      • Surname
      • Display name
      • Home Phone
      • Device (Note: this is actually your mobile number)
      • Address details (Street, City, State/Province, Postcode and Country / Region)
    • (optional) You can also add your photo by clicking the pencil icon below the image with your initials, at the top of the page
    • It is also recommended to check the Region and time zone settings (further down the General menu options) are correct
      The recommended setting is (UTC +00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
  3. Ensure you can access your mailbox(es). Details of how to do this are in the Email section below


There are numerous different ways to access to the mailbox, and it is difficult to account for every conceivable option here.

Therefore, only the most common methods are shown below. If you have more specific requirements, please email [email protected] with more details and we will do our best to assist

1. Outlook Web Access / OWA

The quickest and easiest method to access the mailbox is via Webmail, otherwise known as Outlook Web Access or OWA.

Although this is not compulsory, it is strongly recommended that you, at least, log in and set up OWA to be able to access all of your mailboxes, regardless of how you intend to access longer term

To access OWA, either:

After you have logged in with your personal account, you will need to add your role based email account(s). To do this

  1. Click on the More link, under the folders section
  2. On the top level <firstname> <surname folder, right click and select Add Shared Folder… from the menu
  3. Type in your role based email address and select it from the pop-up list (if it doesn’t appear click Search Directory)
  4. Select the account and click Add

Steps 1-4 above should be repeated for any other role based email addresses you may own

The idea is that you get to all your mailboxes in the one place

By default, messages will be sent from your personal (<firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk) address.

To send messages from the role based address, you will need to do the following:

  1. Click on the gear icon, in the top right hand corner of the window
  2. Select Mail
  3. Go to Mail > Layout > Message Format
  4. Tick the Always show From checkbox
  5. Click Save
  6. Click the options at the top of the menu, to go back to the mail view
  7. Create a new mesage
  8. Right click on <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk in the From field and select Remove
  9. Type your role based email address and select from the list of possible options, or search the directory (After completing this step, the ‘from’ field should now show the role based address)

Steps 7-9 should be repeated for each role-based account.

However, please note that this is a one-off exercise, that only needs to be completed once per address

2. Mail Client (e.g. Outlook)

Most modern clients now provide a means of setting up the mailbox by simply entering the email and password and the server settings are configured automatically. This should happen with the Microsoft365 account as well

Instructions below are for Microsoft Outlook, as this is the most popular mail client.
However, most other mail clients will have a similar functionality

  1. In Outlook, Click File
  2. Click on the Account Settings button, and then click on Account Settings in the drop down menu
  3. In the Email tab, click on New…
  4. Type in your Name, Email Address (use <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk) and Password (for the name it is recommended that you use a meaningful reference, such as “Notts Scouts”)
  5. Click Next and the settings should be auto discovered and the account created in your mail client

If you experience issues, let me know what client (and version) you are using, and I will try and provide specific instructions
Worst case, if you can’t get the account added, access the mailbox via Outlook Web Access (https://outlook.office.com in the short term)

Note: Using Outlook is, by far, the preferred method as, if you used autodiscover, your role based email address(es), and any folders from groups you are a member of, should automatically have been added to your profile.

By default, messages will be sent from your personal (<firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk) address.

To send messages from the role based address, you will need to do the following:

  1. Open a new email message
  2. In the menu bar, click Options
  3. In the Show Fields section, make sure the From button is selected
  4. Click the From drop-down menu and select Other Email Address…
  5. Click the From button and select your role based address from the address list, and click OK

Manual setup of personal mailbox

Use the details below to manually set up access to your personal (<firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk) mailbox

  1. Log into webmail (https://outlook.office.com)
  2. Click on the gear icon on the top right hand corner of the screen, which will bring up the Settings menu
  3. Under Your App Settings click on Mail
  4. In the menu on the left hand side, click on Pop and IMAP (Options > Mail > Accounts > POP and IMAP)

Manual setup of role-based account

Note: If you are using Outlook, and used the AutoDiscover functionality (where you only typed in your email address and password), this step should not be necessary as the role-based mailbox should already be added

The details below should be used to set up direct access to a role based mailbox

The key difference, to above, is the Username format – please note and enter with care!

Incoming Mail Server (IMAP/POP) Settings
  • Server: outlook.office365.com
  • Protocol: IMAP
  • Email address: <role based email address>
  • Username: <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk\<shared mailbox name> (e.g. [email protected]\youth.commissioner)
  • Password: <password for your <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk account>
  • Port: 993
  • Encryption: SSL
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Settings
  • Server: smtp.office365.com:587
  • Username: <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk
  • Password: <password for your <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk account>
  • Port: 587
  • Encryption: TLS

3. Mobile/Tablets

Most mobiles and tablets will have the ability to auto-detect settings.

However, this will only work for the Personal accounts, and not the role-based mailboxes and, so, the following setup is recommended:


Personal Account
  1. Go to Settings > Mail > Accounts > Add Account > Exchange
  2. Type in your <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk address in the Email field
  3. Enter your password in the Password field
  4. If desired, update the Description field to be something more meaningful (e.g. “Notts Scouts (Personal)”)
  5. The settings should be auto-detected and you should not be prompted for further information.
    If you are, then the most likely reason is there is an error in either the username or password
  6. Select which functions you wish to sync with your device
Role Based Account
  1. Go back to Settings > Mail > Accounts > Add Account, but this type select Other
  2. Click on Add Mail Account
  3. In the name field, type in what you want to appear as the From address, in your emails
  4. Type in the role based email address, in the Email field
  5. In the Password field, type in the password of your Personal Account
  6. If desired, add a meaningful description
  7. Click Next
  8. In the Incoming Mail Server settings, use the following:
    • Server: outlook.office365.com
    • Username: <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk\<shared mailbox name> (e.g. [email protected]\youth.commissioner)
    • Password: <password for your <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk account>
  9. In the Outgoing Mail Server settings, use the following:
    • Server: smtp.office365.com
    • Username: <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk
    • Password: <password for your <firstname>.<surname>@notts-scouts.org.uk account>
  10. Click Next. The account settings will be verified, which could take several seconds
  11. Click Save to finish the setup and add the account


Settings for Android can vary greatly, depending on the device and version of Android in use.

Therefore, it is not really practical to write specific instructions. However, using the iOS details above, you should be able to get the account set up

If you are really struggling, please email the digital team ([email protected]) and we will see what we can do to help


An alternative option is to use the OWA (Outlook Web Access) app:

The OWA app provides a mobile version of https://outlook.office.com.

Therefore, the steps in the Webmail section should have been followed, in order to add the role-based account(s), before use

Alternatively, if you prefer, you can set up the standard mail application on your device manually, using the details for Manual Setup in a standard mail client above

Note: Most documentation will direct you towards the Outlook mobile app for accessing Microsoft365 mailboxes.
Whilst this will work, it does not support the role based accounts and will only allow you access your personal account – hence the recommendation to use the default Mail app, or OWA


As part of our Microsoft365 subscription, each user will be able to access up to 1Tb of personal storage space

This is intended to be used for files relating to your role in Nottinghamshire Scouts

To access your OneDrive storage area:

Log on to https://portal.office.com
Click on the OneDrive icon

Sync OneDrive Files with your PC

Files can be uploaded, viewed and downloaded from the web interface

It is also possible to download the OneDrive for Business client and sync files automatically with your PC.

Care should, however, be taken to avoid conflicts with usage of personal OneDrive accounts, so this is undertaken at your own risk.

If you do want to sync files, follow the steps below:

On the Office365 Dashboard, click on “Install Office”, then click “Install Software”
Click on OneDrive from the menu on the left
Choose your language and version, then click “Install”
After installation, open the OneDrive for Business from your PC
Log on using your [email protected] account