Nottinghamshire Scouts

Preparing young people with skills for life in Nottinghamshire

What’s happening in Nottingham

A selection of the fantastic things going on in Nottinghamshire

Development Materials

We want to make it as easy as possible to grow the number of young people in your group/section. Please find below ready-made materials for Beaver recruitment, Beaver programme, adult recruitment, and welcome back materials.

HM the Queen recognises Nottinghamshire Scout Volunteers

On 2nd June 2022, Nottinghamshire County Scout Coucil was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS). This is ranked as an MBE and is the highest award in the UK that can be made, by Her Majesty, to a voluntary organisation.

Skills for Life

UK Scouting’s vision for 2025

By 2025 we will have prepared more young people with skills for life, supported by amazing leaders delivering an inspiring programme.

We will be growing, more inclusive, shaped by young people and making a bigger impact in our communities.

6-18 year-olds in Scouting (2018)

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The latest news from Notts Scouts

Nottinghamshire Pride 2024

Nottinghamshire Pride 2024

Members of Notts Scouts will once again be attending the Nottinghamshire Pride march in Nottingham City Centre. We're pleased to invite members of Scouts to join us at the Nottinghamshire Pride march on Saturday, 27th July 2024, meeting at the junction of Lister Gate...

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Success in Ruddington

Success in Ruddington

Three of our fantastic members from 1st Ruddington have recently won awards at the Rudd Awards. This event showcases those who have gone the extra mile in the local community in Ruddington. Dan Clifford won in the Champion Volunteer category, joint with Sally Bears (a...

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New County Lead Volunteer

New County Lead Volunteer

As many of you may be aware we have recently completed the search for a new County Lead Volunteer for Nottinghamshire, after an extensive and comprehensive national volunteer appointment process, I am pleased to announce that Jordan Phillips has accepted the role of...

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County Lead Volunteer of Nottinghamshire

County Lead Volunteer of Nottinghamshire

After leading the County for over 5 years, County Lead Volunteer (County Commissioner) Steven Tupper, will be standing down later this year.  We would like to thank Steven for all of his hard work over the years, both visible and ‘behind-the-scenes’, all of which has...

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Elsa wins regional BBC Young Reporter Competition

Elsa wins regional BBC Young Reporter Competition

Did you know that tomorrow you will be able to see and hear from one of our Explorer Scouts, Elsa, who has been named as the East Midlands Regional Winner of the BBC Young Reporter Competition! Elsa has recently completed the process of filming a news story, written...

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County Young Leader Day 2023

County Young Leader Day 2023

In January, we held a County Young Leader Day open to the 300+ young people currently involved with our Young Leader Training scheme. Over 70 of us joined together at Nottingham High School to share great ideas and have fun with the people we have come to know well...

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Nottinghamshire Oak Awards 2022

Nottinghamshire Oak Awards 2022

Every week, Scouting provides young people with Skills for Life, and it is important to remember that this wouldn’t happen without the efforts of our volunteers. From planning week-long events to running activities, fundraising to DIY projects, it is the work of...

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