Three of our fantastic members from 1st Ruddington have recently won awards at the Rudd Awards. This event showcases those who have gone the extra mile in the local community in Ruddington.

Dan Clifford won in the Champion Volunteer category, joint with Sally Bears (a local Guide leader). Dan has poured hours of his time into Scouting over the years, supporting the 140 young people in his group through adventurous activities such as canoeing and camping.

Dan said “When I found out I had been nominated, I was really taken aback. It’s really nice to be recognised for the things we do, not that that’s the reason anybody would do them. There’s a big team of us, not just me”.

Young Leaders Ottollie & Emmeline Jones also jointly received a Rudd Award, this time in the Young Star award. This amazing pair are twin sisters that volunteer in the Beaver section, and have helped young people develop skills and confidence through the group — just as they did when they were younger!

The pair said “We grew up going to Parkrun, Cubs and Scouts. It was something we looked forward to each week, and so we hope that it’s doing the same thing for the kids that come to Beavers”.

“We’ve been from Beavers all the way through to Explorers, and we know that it’s such a great group, so it’s really nice to provide the support that our leaders did.”

You can view the award video featuring Dan here, and the award video featuring Ottillie & Emmeline here.